Ozon Tamburu

Tolkar O₃³ Dry Ozone Application Systems

Ozone Tumbler

Ozone washing systems provide an environmentally friendly and effective cleaning solution, improving the hygiene of products used in both industry and daily life. Ozone (O₃) is known as a strong oxidant and is an effective method for eliminating microbes, bacteria and pollutants. These systems stand out as an alternative to traditional washing methods by saving water.


"Zero" Water

"Zero" Chemicals

"Zero" Waste

24% Energy Saving

Ozone Bleach Saving

Back Staining Applications

Double Machine Feed (Dry - Wet Application)

Tolkar O₃ Ozonated Water Application Systems

Ozon Generator

"Zero" Back Staining

Completion of whole recipe in same machine witout extra unloading and loading and extracting or handling which eliminates time and labour losses

Ozone sanitization Random applications via ozonized water spray from nano bubble nozzles Dry ozone application

Ozone Bleach Applications

Undesired effect variations caused by humidity or temperature flactuations are eliminated

Controlled from washing machine's panel

Ozon Tumbler Technical Details

Ozon Tumbler 3179

Drum Volume(lt)3179
Drum Diameter(mm)1700
Drum Depth(mm)1400
Loading Capacity(kg)50 - 90
Tilted Height(mm)2720
Ozon Tumbler - 3179

Ozon Tumbler 1000

Drum Volume(lt)1000
Drum Diameter(mm)1200
Drum Depth(mm)800
Loading Capacity(kg)1 - 12
Tilted Height(mm)-
Ozon Tumbler

Ozon Generator Technical Details

Ozon Generator 100

Ozone Capacity(gr)100
Max. Ozone Conc.(gr / Nm³)220
Oxygen Capacity(m³)1,1
Electric Power(Kw)3
Ozon Generator

Ozon Generator 300

Ozone Capacity(gr)300
Max. Ozone Conc.(gr / Nm³)220
Oxygen Capacity(m³)3
Electric Power(Kw)8
ApplicationDry - Wet
Ozon Generator

Technical Detail Tables

Ozon Tumbler

Ozone Tumbler

Ozon Generator

Ozon Generator

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you produce?

Textile Finishing Machines: Ozone Systems, High Speed Squeezing Textile (Stone) Washing and Dyeing Machines, Low Speed Textile (Stone) Washing and Dyeing Machines, Sample Washing and Dyeing Machines, Textile Drying Machines and Automation Systems.

Industrial Laundry Equipment: Washing, Drying, Ironing and Folding Machines.

Hygienic Hospital Machines: Hygienic Barrier Washing Machines

  1. Textile
  2. Tourism
  3. Hospital
  4. Commercial Laundry
  5. Food – Industry
  6. Official and Other Institutions

You can call (0232) 376 85 00 to get an offer or you can send your information and your need/project to Satis@TOLKAR.COM.TR. Our authorized personnel will contact you as soon as possible.

For site exploration, you can call the TOLKAR representative you have contacted and specify your exploration request. Our authorized team will come to your location and make a site survey. The authorized person will inform you whether the area you have chosen is suitable or not. If requested, we can draw your projects on the settlement area.

You can enter the page of the product you want from the Products tab and access the technical details at the bottom of the page. You can also download catalogs from the bottom of the product pages.


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