Website Personal Data Application Form



This form is in compliance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“KVKK“) has been prepared in accordance with Articles 11 and 13.

Personal data subjects defined as data subjects in the LPPD (“Applicant“) The rights specified in Article 11 of the KVKK are recognized and the applications to be made regarding these rights are submitted to the data controller Tolkar Makina Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi (” Company“) must be submitted in writing.

In this context, applications to be made to our Company in writing can be made by printing out this form and using the application methods specified below.

Specific information on how written applications will be delivered to us is provided below in terms of application channels.

Application Method

Application Address

Information to be specified in the application submission

In Person Application (Applicant Applying in Person)

AOSB 10036 Street No:4-6

P.K. 35620 Cigli / Izmir

On the envelope “Information Request under the Law on the Protection of Personal Data” should be written.

Notification through Notary Public

AOSB 10036 Street No:4-6

P.K. 35620 Cigli / Izmir

Notification envelope “Information Request under the Law on the Protection of Personal Data” should be written.

Application via Electronic Mail Address

In the subject line of the e-mail “Personal Data Protection Law Information Request” should be written.

The above-mentioned channels are “written” application channels in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the KVKK. If the Personal Data Protection Board determines other methods in the future, our Company will announce how the applications will be received through these methods.

Pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 13 of the KVKK, as of the date of receipt of your request by our Company according to the nature of the request “as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest” will be answered. Our responses will be delivered to you in writing or electronically in accordance with Article 13 of the relevant KVKK.

The information and documents requested from you must be provided to us completely and accurately. In the event that the requested information and documents are not provided as required, there may be problems in the full and qualified execution of the investigations to be carried out by our Company based on your request. In this case, our Company reserves its legal rights. For this reason, the relevant form must be sent completely and in a manner to include the requested information and documents according to the nature of your request.


In order for us to identify the Applicant regarding your application and to carry out the necessary investigations within our Company according to the nature of your request, the following information must be provided by you. In addition, your contact information specified below is requested from you in order to obtain more detailed information about your application, to inform you about our review processes and to inform you about the results of your application.


TR Identity Number:

Telephone Number:



Please indicate your relationship with our Company (Customer, Supplier, Employee Candidate, Former Employee, Third Party Company Employee, Shareholder, etc.)

  • Customer

  • Visitor
  • Business partner/Supplier

  • Other: …………………………………………………………..

You are in contact within our company

Unit: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Subject: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  • Former Employee

Years I Worked ……………………..

Position: ……………………………….

  • I Applied for a Job / Shared a Resume

Date: …………………

Applied For: ……………………………………….

  • I am a Third Party Company Employee

Please specify the company and position you work for: …………………………………………………


Has your relationship with our company ended? Yes No.


In the table below, the rights you can request from our Company, which is the data controller in accordance with Article 11 of the KVKK, are specified. According to the rights you have chosen, an evaluation will be made within our Company and answers will be sent to you in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 13 of the KVKK.

Request No

Request Subject

Legal Basis

Your choice

(Check the relevant section)


Your company about me personal data I want to know if it’s working.

KVKK Art. 11/1-a


If your Company processes personal data about me, this data

I request information on processing activities.

KVKK Art. 11/1-b


If your Company processes personal data about me, I would like to learn the purpose of their processing and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose of processing.

KVKK Art. 11/1-c


If my personal data is transferred to third parties at home or abroad, I would like to know these third parties.

KVKK Art. 11/1-ç


I believe that my personal data is incomplete or incorrectly processed and I want them to be corrected.

KVKK Art. 11/1-d


Although my personal data has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the KVKK and other relevant laws, I think that the reasons requiring its processing have disappeared and within this framework, my personal data;

KVKK Art. 11/1-e

Your request

Your choice

(You can only select one box here)

I demand it be deleted.

I demand anonymization.


I want my personal data (Request No. 5), which I believe to be incomplete and incorrectly processed, to be corrected before the third parties to whom they are transferred.

KVKK Art. 11/1-f


Although my personal data has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the KVKK and other relevant laws, I think that the reasons requiring its processing have disappeared (Request No. 6) and within this framework, also before third parties to whom my personal data is transferred;

KVKK Art. 11/1-f

Your request

Your choice

(You can only select one box here)

I demand it be deleted.

I demand anonymization.


I believe that my personal data processed by your company has been analyzed exclusively through automated systems and that as a result of this analysis, a result has arisen against me. I object to this result.

KVKK Art. 11/1-g


I have suffered damage due to the unlawful processing of my personal data. I demand compensation for this damage.

KVKK Art. 11/1-h


Pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 11 of the LPPD, you are required to provide us with the following information and documents, depending on the subject of your request, in order to exercise your above-mentioned rights and to enable our Company to make an assessment pursuant to Article 13 of the LPPD within this framework

Request No

Request Subject

Extra Information Requested to be Provided

Document Requested to be Provided


Your company about me personal data I want to know if it’s working.




If your Company processes personal data about me, I request information about these data processing activities.




If your Company processes personal data about me, I would like to learn the purpose of their processing and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose of processing.




If my personal data is transferred to third parties at home or abroad, I would like to know these third parties




I believe that my personal data is incomplete or incorrectly processed and I want them to be corrected.

Your personal data that you think is incomplete or incorrect and that you want to be corrected:

Incomplete and incorrectly processed

Documents showing the correct and complementary information of your personal data that you consider (Photocopy of identity card, residence, etc.)


Although my personal data has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the KVKK and other relevant laws, I think that the reasons requiring its processing have disappeared and within this framework, my personal data;

State the reason and why you think it has disappeared:

Documents certifying the relevant aspect of your choice.

Your request

Your choice

(You can only select one box here)

I demand it be deleted.

I demand anonymization.


I want my personal data (Request No. 5), which I believe to be incomplete and incorrectly processed, to be corrected before the third parties to whom they are transferred.

Personal data that you think is incomplete or incorrect:

Incomplete and incorrectly processed

you believe that your personal data is accurate and

documents showing complementary information (photocopy of identity card, residence etc.)


Although my personal data has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the KVKK and other relevant laws, I think that the reasons requiring its processing have disappeared (Request No. 6) and within this framework, also before third parties to whom my personal data is transferred;

Your request

Your choice

(You can only select one box here)

I demand it be deleted.

I demand anonymization.

State the reason and why you think it has disappeared:

Documents certifying the relevant aspect of your choice.


I believe that my personal data processed by your company has been analyzed exclusively through automated systems and that as a result of this analysis, a result has arisen against me. I object to this result.

Indicate which request or transaction you think this is the case for:

In the next column

exclusive automated systems that you have marked

you have made regarding the matter subject to processing through

documents showing the demands.


I have suffered damage due to the processing of my personal data in violation of KVKK. I demand compensation for this damage.

Specify the matter subject to the violation of KVKK:

You are required to attach to your application copies of the court decision or Board decision that you have indicated in the column below, and any documents showing their relationship with you and the amount of the damage you have suffered.


In line with the requests I have stated above, I kindly request that my application to your Company be evaluated in accordance with Article 13 of the KVKK and that I be informed.

  • I want it sent to my address.
  • I want it to be sent to my e-mail address. (We will be able to respond to you faster if you choose the e-mail method).
  • I want to receive it by hand. (In case of delivery by proxy, there must be a notarized power of attorney or authorization document containing special authorization).

This application form has been issued in order to determine your relationship with our Company, to determine your personal data processed by our Company, if any, and to respond to your application correctly and within the legal period. In order to eliminate the legal risks that may arise from unlawful and unfair data sharing and especially to ensure the security of your personal data, our Company reserves the right to request additional documents and information (copy of identity card or driver’s license, etc.) for identification and authorization.

In the event that the information regarding your requests submitted within the scope of the form is not correct and up-to-date or an unauthorized application is made, our Company does not accept any liability for the requests arising from such incorrect information or unauthorized application.

Applicant Relevant Person (Personal Data Owner)

Name – Surname :

Application Date :

Signature :